Shadow Fight 2 · 2.4.1 version
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What's New in 2.4.1 Version?
- Sales and Festive Chest for the St. Valentine's day!
- Ruby hearts for buying the chest and elexirs!
- Collect ruby hearts by winnig the regular raids - higher place gives better reward!
- A new epic pack for the new players - Flames of Devastation is waiting in the third zone with tasty price!
- Significantly increased the value of the Chest of Eternals` Treasures now it is Chest from the Eternals' Vault.
- Bugfixes
- Optimization
Install Shadow Fight 2 APK on Android
- Get the App from site
- Open the Shadow-Fight-2_v2.4.1.apk
- Tap Install. Wait for installation to finish
- The app is now installed! Find it in your apps list and enjoy using it