Free Fire · 1.49.0 version

Free Fire

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Which Version to Choose?
  • ARMeabi-v7a:For older Android devices. If you have an older phone or tablet, this might be the best option. It's also compatible with many newer devices. [Recommended]
  • x86: For older tablets with 32-bit Intel/AMD processors.
  • APK: It's a regular installation file, no special installer needed.

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Technical Details
What's New in 1.49.0 Version?

1. Clash Squad Season 1 - Begins 06/04 17:00 SGT.
2. New Weapon - M82B.
3. New Character - Wolfrahh
4. Players can now equip active skills from other characters.
5. Weapon stats adjustment: SKS, SVD, M1887, and M14.
6. Advanced attachment stats adjustment: VSS and Kar98k.
7. Info box will now share the safe zone's location with teammates.
8. Purgatory - Classic now available.
9. Emote slot has been expanded from 6->8
10. Guild system improvement and optimization.

Встановіть Free Fire APK на Android

  1. Get the App from site
  2. Open the Free-Fire_v1.49.0.apk
  3. Tap Install. Wait for installation to finish
  4. The app is now installed! Find it in your apps list and enjoy using it