Mini Militia – · 5.3.2 version

Mini Militia –

Download the original app straight from the source, without any modifications.

All APK files are scanned for malware and verified before being offered for download.

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What's New in 5.3.2 Version?

- In-game Friends is here! Now you can add players as friends and play custom games together!
Note - just make sure you and your friends are on this latest app version, only then you could find them and play together
- You can also search for other players by nickname or ID, and add them as friends directly in the game regardless of your account type (including guests)
- In addition, we’ve made some bug fixes related to Friends.

Встановіть Mini Militia – APK на Android

  1. Get the App from site
  2. Open the Mini-Militia-8211-War.io_v5.3.2.apk
  3. Tap Install. Wait for installation to finish
  4. The app is now installed! Find it in your apps list and enjoy using it