Download the recommended version for your device

Which Version to Choose?
  • ARM64-v8a: For most recent Android phones and tablets (generally devices from the last few years). This offers the best performance. [Recommended]
  • APK: It's a regular installation file, no special installer needed.

Don't know your device's architecture? Find out your architecture

All APK files are scanned for malware and verified before being offered for download.

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Technical Details
What's New in 86.6.4550.82781 Version?

Thanks for choosing Opera! In this version we’ve made the built-in Ad Blocker more flexible, improved downloads and added support for selecting your app icon.

More changes/additions:
- Chromium 130
- Android 15 support
- Downloads: Rename files, set concurrent download limits, disable download dialog
- Latest Chromium security updates (2025-01-16)

Встановіть Приватний браузер Opera з VPN APK на Android

  1. Get the App from site
  2. Open the Приватний-браузер-Opera-з-VPN_v86.6.4550.82781.apk
  3. Tap Install. Wait for installation to finish
  4. The app is now installed! Find it in your apps list and enjoy using it