Shadow Fight 2 · 2.3.1 version

Shadow Fight 2

Download the original app straight from the source, without any modifications.

All APK files are scanned for malware and verified before being offered for download.

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Інформація про файл

Technical Details
What's New in 2.3.1 Version?

- Lunar new year - collect all of the holiday items!
- New mysterious guest in the Underworld - win special old tokens!
- Gift for the first purchase of the Dragon Chest!
- Discounts and sales
- Fixed a bug with not displaying received event items
- Optimization
- Numerous bugfixes

Встановіть Shadow Fight 2 APK на Android

  1. Get the App from site
  2. Open the Shadow-Fight-2_v2.3.1.apk
  3. Tap Install. Wait for installation to finish
  4. The app is now installed! Find it in your apps list and enjoy using it