Signal · 5.3.12 version
Download the original app straight from the source, without any modifications.
Which Version to Choose?
- ARMeabi-v7a:For older Android devices. If you have an older phone or tablet, this might be the best option. It's also compatible with many newer devices. [Recommended]
- APK: It's a regular installation file, no special installer needed.
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All APK files are scanned for malware and verified before being offered for download.
Інформація про файл
Technical Details
What's New in 5.3.12 Version?
★ Chat wallpapers have arrived! Choose unique wallpapers for individual chats or just set one default background for everyone if your patience is wallpaper thin.
★ This update includes support for animated stickers along with the first official animated Signal sticker pack, "Day by Day" by Miguel Ángel Camprubí. You can create your own APNG animated sticker packs in Signal Desktop too!
★ We fixed a bug where you'd see "Missed Call" but your phone didn't ring. It will not be missed.
Встановіть Signal APK на Android
- Get the App from site
- Open the Signal_v5.3.12.apk
- Tap Install. Wait for installation to finish
- The app is now installed! Find it in your apps list and enjoy using it